Are you going to the Bonbu Lounge?

| August 21, 2024

All that we are really capable of doing is to consider ourselves as separate from others, and take life and death to be two distinct things. Thus, we cannot help but form attachments to our selves and become estranged from others, or cling to life while rejecting death. We are afflicted by love and hatred, and wander about lost in birth and death. The Primal Vow of Amida Buddha is the manifestation of the Buddha’s wisdom, which transcends our erroneous ideas because it has realized the non-duality of self and others, as well as the oneness of birth and death. Thus, upon hearing the Primal Vow we are able to know the realm of enlightenment, which transcends human thought and calculation.

Bearer of the Light, Kakehashi (85)

Hello, I hope that you are all doing well. I would like to say thank you to each and everyone of you for making the temple so busy. Going over the halfway point for the year, it has gone by so quickly. Thank you for all the support you have given for the 65th anniversary we are preparing for next year and the upcoming elevator upgrade. When looking to the future of the temple, I once was posed with the question of “what does Jodo Shinshu do for the future generations?” The above statement is the beginning of the journey to answering this question for each individual.

I would like to address this simply through the Three Treasures or Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. This passage defines Buddhahood as “non-duality of self and others” or No Self. “Oneness of birth and death,” life is a whole experience that is neither positive nor negative. What we learn during the process of life it teaches us how much we enjoy our humanity that pulls us away from living as one. With the Buddha as our example and the Dharma or teachings, we follow the foundation of No Self. In Buddhism, we say the Sangha is group of Buddhist followers. In some groups, people are not considered Sangha unless they achieve certain levels of awakening. If you would like to study more deeply, please do.

Our human nature is the beginning point to Buddhahood. I think people forget this. In the first half of the passage, it explains that we are selfish and feed our passions by creating a lifestyle of polar stimulation of positive and negative. This search for fleeting moments hinders us from seeing long term growth and benefits. As Jodo Shinshu teaches Buddhists, we can be stubborn in realizing this about who we are within and putting in the work to eliminate the problems. Because of this, Amida Buddha takes care of our future Buddhahood. It our duty to just do our best and to use the Buddha’s Wisdom to illuminate the attachments that we are constantly clinging.

We as a temple have been “back to normal.” As activities go, we have a full schedule comparable to 4 years ago. This question was recently asked of me, but I feel it is a constant debate amongst Jodo Shinshu followers. “When did we go from religious temple to social club?” I thought about this. We are not separate from others. Our working definition of Sangha is anyone who comes to the temple and participates. The Sangha is truly important to our religious development. Our community grows as a whole through interacting with each other. We may not understand one another perfectly, but we know that everyone goes through hard times of their lives. Out our gratitude, “just say the Nembutsu.”

Have you heard about the Bombu Lounge? Bon bu 凡夫 means foolish being. It also means ordinary being. The temple is working to put together its first Casino Night. Come together all! Foolish beings welcome! Do you know why the ordinary are foolish, because we have knowledge of our bad habits and still continue on the path as if we are set on it. For one night we will have fun, play games, and strengthen our bonds with the underlying heart to spread the Amida Buddha’s efforts. This is one of the events that may seem like built with the Bombu in mind, but I see the Sangha helping those that really need it. People will come to temple and hopefully ride the elevator for the next 40 years to the Hondo or main hall. Everyone can look upon the finished project and say through my efforts, they are able to participate and receive the Buddha Dharma or the Teachings.

The mission of the Nembutsu follower to share Amida’s Primal Vow. We are having a fun event to do our part. As a Sangha the community does its best to come together and support each other. As we learn about each other, we learn about ourselves. We realize how much we need the community and become thankful as our lives together become truly settled. This is what Jodo Shinshu does for us. It helps us to glimpse Buddha’s Wisdom that transcends human thought and calculation so that we may work on living without wasting our energies clinging to life while time passes us by. We are social beings that receive compassion from many different directions. Together we can enjoy the company around us as we bask in Amida’s Light wherever we may be.

I hope I see you in person, share a moment, and thank you again for your help to lift everyone up and spread Amida Buddha’s Light of Wisdom and Compassion.

Gassho and Namo Amida Butsu,
Rev. Kory Quon

August 2024

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