Monthly Message

Monthly Message from the Temple Sensei

The Year is 64!

| February 13, 2024

Hello and Happy New Year!  I have sat in front of this computer writing over and over again.  I think about what the next 10 years will look like for our Buddhist Sect of Jodo Shinshu.  What kind of hopes do I have for our temple community?  I would hope that everyone will continue to… Read More »

The Fall of Leaves!

| November 1, 2023

Hello and Greetings Everyone! Living in Southern California you know that in the fall the leaves that areable to change are. Eventually they will fall to the ground. I often forget this simple lesson of Nature. DoYou? Give up anger, abandon conceit, and overcome all fetters. Ills of life (dukkha) do not befall one who… Read More »

Happy Summer to All!

| August 3, 2023

Light Speed Ahead! Do you feel that now that we are doing more things in person that everything is going even more quickly than it did before? I do! It has been great to see so many of you in person. Then, I find that there is not enough time to actually catch up. Especially… Read More »


| May 8, 2023

In order to clarify and to bring us to know that the light of Amida surpasses conceptual understanding, the expression “I take refuge in the Tathagata of unhindered light filling the ten quarters” is used. When we constantly hold in mind and say the Name of the Buddha of unhindered light, since it embodies the… Read More »

Turning the Corner in 2023!

| February 1, 2023

The phrase in the Ho-onko shiki, “Always keep in mind that recitation (of ‘Namo Amida Butsu’) is an instinctively cheerful activity” refers to reciting “Namo Amida Butsu” joyously rather than reciting it from a sense of duty. That’s because “Namo Amida Butsu” recited with shinjin (with a sense of being in Amida Buddha’s embrace) is… Read More »

We Did It! Thank You VHBT Family!

| October 15, 2022

The Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple was able to host a successful Obon! I am exceptionally proud of our temple community for everyone’s hard work. This is a direct reflection of those that have come before that installed the good feelings and memories in us. Thank You Everyone! Thank you to those that planned! Thank you… Read More »

Hello! Y’ALL H.A.G.S.!!!

| July 13, 2022

Imagine if a total stranger approached you and gave you this greeting. “Y’all H.A.G.S.!” How would this make you feel? I would be a little insulted. “Why did you call me that? A witch?” Do you remember when people used to say, “You old hag” or something like that? This is one of the difficulties… Read More »

Hello, Everyone!

| May 17, 2022

Recently, we celebrated the seven newest additions to our Sangha. I want to thank all the families and extended relatives that participated and made our Hatsumairi possible. I also want to thank everyone that contributed in making the Hatsumairi and Hanamatsuri service as well as the Bento Otoki and Dana Deliveries on April 3 a… Read More »

2022! What Next!

| January 8, 2022

Happy New Year! Shinnen Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! Welcome 2022! On behalf of the Venice Buddhist Temple, I would like to Thank You to Everyone for your past support in 2021. Congratulations! We have all made it another year! As we have come to 2022 I was wondering, what is your vision for this year? Have… Read More »